We are about to launch the LutemaPhotoNYC website. We have been working on this site for a while and we are ready to go - but are we ever ready? It's an ongoing project as more and more photos are added. Currently, we are licensing the images for use. If you would like to create a custom size art print of any of these images, we welcome you to contact us directly at lutemaphotonyc@gmail.com to discuss your needs.
LutemaPhotoNYC is a family project of fine art images. My kids and I have contributed all the photos you see here. It has been a learning experience for all of us and today is the day we go live. It is Halloween 2019 and, in honor of this day, I chose to include a photo I captured riding home on the NYC subway. No, this photo wasn't taken on Halloween. It's just an everyday occurrence in this wonderful city.
